Thursday, 31 March 2011

APRIL Birthstone Bear

Its been a hectic time but I have managed to finish the APRIL Birthstone Bear in time for the 1st April.  I have named him 'Diamonds are Forever'! Thought he represented the black and white diamond very well by making him a black and white Panda type Bear.  I found him a lovely heart shaped crystal for his neck and finished him with a large satin bow.   He is now on the website and ready for a wonderful new home x

Friday, 25 March 2011

The warm Spring Sunshine

The warmth of the Sunshine has at last seen my fishes emerge from the depths of their pond.  This is the first time we have seen them all swimming near the surface for many months

Today they have even taken some food, not much but if it doesn't get too cold again over the weekend we may see them more often now.

As always though, the two ghost Koi are not so keen!  They are still hiding just under the surface, if you look closely you might just be able to see them?

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Earth Hour on Saturday 26th March

Click the link below to register for EARTH HOUR this coming Saturday at 8.30pm

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change.

In 2010 a record 128 countries and territories joined the global display of climate action. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Asia Pacific to Europe and Africa to the Americas switched off. People across the world. from all walks of life turned off their lights and came together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet.

Earth Hour is organised by WWF, we are one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organisations. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
Register now to take part. You'll be an important part of WWF's global event

Earth Hour 2011 will take place on Saturday 26 March at 8.30pm (local time). 
By registering you'll be adding your support to our message to government that we want urgent action to tackle climate change and safeguard the natural world.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Up & Downs of a weekend!

Had a really wonderful start to the weekend with the Blooming Bear on line Show which ran for 36 hours this past weekend.  My Show Bears! Pussy Cat, and Bunny all found their new homes.
Lavender Blue travelling to United States, Morning Glory is heading for Canada and Brambles the Bunny is hopping his way to the United States too.  Willow the Pussy Cat is staying in the UK.  Little Harriet the Hedgehog was unlucky this time, never mind though she is having fun with me!  Had orders for two more Brambles the Bunny both for the US so I shall be a busy bunny too! 

Then disaster struck - my little Cocker Spaniel Chloe really did become very ill and it was a dash to Vet on Monday morning and a trip to the hospital.  She had an operation for a hernia and so glad to say that she was back home by tea time.  These animals are just so resilient aren't they?

 This is little Chloe still asleep after her traumatic day, she is 9 years old and it was
such an anxious wait waiting for the Vet to call to say all was well.

Anyway she has had a good long sleep for most of today and I expect the licking of the wound will start tomorrow and she will keep me running around after her trying to stop her!  Her Sister Jazz is enjoying the walks on her own but is sleeping with her all night!  Chloe is on three small meals a day at the moment, Jazz is very happy with this arrangement she can always eat food - and if you have to feed one you have to feed them both!

Chloe & her sister Jazz

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Blooming Bear Show

Next weekend sees the opening of our on line show.  A preview of all 75 Bears from the different Artists around the world is already showing the link to see them is below:

My Bear for you to see is LAVENDER BLUE, still very shy as you can see!  I have created 5 new Bears! well I say Bears, but they are not all Bears! so you will have to wait and see!  Shall look forward to the opening of this show next Saturday 12th March

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


The picture below is of Doobie a Teddy that I made in 2000!   He arrived back home with me two days ago for a visit to the hospital part of my workroom!  During home improvements in his new home he lost an eye, so Doobie has been back for a beautiful new pair of eyes.  I have brushed his lovely coat and re-arranged his smart ribbon and I am so pleased he looks so good after 11 years.

Today I packed him safely into a new box and sent him back to his home.  It was lovely to have Doobie here for a few hours and to know that he had been so well looked after.
Farewell Doobie I hope you enjoyed your stay in the New Forest.


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