Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Last February I made Romeo

and he found a lovely new home with Monica and her family.  Well Romeo needs a Juliette!  so last week she left my workroom to meet her Romeo:

This is what Monica had to say: Juliette has joined her Romeo and he is over the moon at meeting her as are we. She is absolutely gorgeous in every way.
Romeo simply couldn't believe his eyes when we opened her travelling box and out she clambered with her cheeky grin. They make a wonderful couple and are now snuggled together gazing into each others eyes as they get acquainted.
Her curly fur is a beautiful colour and her little face is so cheeky and happy that you simply have to smile when you look at her.
Thank you so much from Romeo and all of us at Four Paws House.
Sending you lots of beary hugs from Romeo and all of his beary friends.
Best wishes

1 comment:

  1. What a happy ending. Romeo had to wait for Juliet all tht time. They are both beautiful.



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