Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Well as you all know Paul and I live on the edge of the New Forest In Hampshire, to the West is the sea side town of Bournemouth and to the East is the port of Southampton.  Our roads during the past bank holiday weekend were crammed solid with Cars and Caravans all making their way to the Forest, Sea and Ports.  
We have learnt not to bother travelling over this weekend as it is one very long traffic jam in all directions.  So it was a weekend of some work and some tidying up of the garden.  It all needed doing and at least it did not rain. The pond in the front garden being to biggest challenge!  Pictures below to show the improvements! and as you can see despite all the rain the flowers are still performing very well.  As always JAZZ has to be in on the act - she is never far away when we are gardening:

We can see some of the fish once more!

A beautiful pink water lilly was hiding!

JAZZ never far away!

And of course our flag is always flying
high in our garden:

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